Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
Incontinence, painful intercourse, prolapse, constipation, chronic pelvic pain, and urinary urgency can all be embarrassing issues to talk about. This is especially true when you only have a short window of time with your doctor. Additionally, these issues are often misunderstood and the traditional medical model points you towards a pill, or worse - surgery, without trying conservative options first.
At Restore, we work with all genders experiencing pelvic pain or dysfunction with bladder, bowel, and sexual health.
We treat:
Urinary incontinence, urgency, frequency, and hesitancy
Constipation, straining with bowel movements, hemorrhoids, fecal incontinence
Painful sex and diminished orgasm
Chronic pelvic pain
Interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, and frequent UTIs
Pelvic organ prolapse
Diastasis recti
Pre- and post-prostatectomy
Our 3-Step Process
Step 1: Find the Root Cause of the Problem
We do this through performing a thorough evaluation of your strength, range of motion, posture, movement, and pelvic floor as well as talking to you extensively about your history, goals, motivations, and barriers.
Step 2: Lay the Foundation
Through individualized, one-on-one care, we make sure that you are moving optimally, utilizing appropriate movement patterns and muscle activation so that you can progress towards your goals at every session.
Step 3: Maintain Results Long Term
We want to empower you with the knowledge and tools to maintain your success for the long term.