Specialty care matters.
Restore offers dedicated and specialized physical therapy services with a holistic approach so that you can find lasting relief. At Restore, we offer a combined 28 years of experience in physical therapy.
Physical health issues are complex and don’t occur in isolation, which is why you need expert care. At Restore, we strive to help you find lasting relief in an environment where you never feel rushed, frustrated, or dismissed.
The Restore philosophy is to provide every person with high-quality, expert, one-on-one care. We strive to go above and beyond your traditional healthcare experience. Your entire visit will be with a Doctor Of Physical Therapy who specializes in the area related to your issues.
Common ≠ Normal
It’s not normal to leak a little when you sneeze, or after you have a baby, or while you’re doing double unders, or as you get older. It’s not normal to have aches and pains that prevent you from doing the things you love. It’s not normal for your body to hurt just because you’re pregnant. It’s not normal for sex to hurt. It’s not normal to have to hold your breath or strain when you poop. You do not have to live with any of these problems or allow these issues to keep you from doing what you love - they can all be addressed with quality physical therapy.
Vertigo, Dizziness, & Balance
Vertigo and dizziness are NOT the same, and neither are normal despite your age. Both issues are complex and encompass problems with multiple systems. Many times, other medical providers are limited in the amount of time they can spend with you. At Restore, we schedule plenty of one-on-one time with you to get to the root cause of the problem. Some of the diagnoses we treat include:
Vertigo including BPPV
Issues with balance and walking
Meniere’s Disease
Vestibular Migraine
Vestibular Hypofunction
Central Disequilibrium
Visually-induced Dizziness
Cervicogenic Dizziness
PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness)
Mal de Debarquement
Vestibular Neuronitis
Headaches, Neck Pain & TMJ Disorders
Headaches, including migraines, have a root cause as well. They can be related to vision issues or spine, neck, or TMJ issues. At Restore, we assess all of these components with thorough, one-on-one, hour+ long appointments. We treat:
TMJ Disorders
Tension Headaches
Cluster Headaches
Cervicogenic Headaches
Meet the Providers
Jessica Munk, PT, DPT
Pelvic Health and Orthopedic Physical Therapist
Founder of Restore
Expertise in pelvic health, orthopedics, and dry needling
Kelli Daniels, PT, DPT
Vestibular, Balance, Orthopedic Physical Therapist
Cert. Dynamic Integrative Needling
Level 1 Pelvic Health Cert.
Co-Owner of Restore